Simple Journal Prompts for a Healthy Mindset

Your mindset on a day-to-day basis is so important for not only health and fitness, but also mental health, your overall happiness, and the ability to achieve your goals and dreams in life.

It can honestly make or break your day. And I would argue it’s one of the most important aspects in maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle.

If you aren’t currently taking time to work on your mindset on a daily or at least weekly basis, I’d really encourage you to start. It isn’t always the easiest or most enjoyable task, but I promise it’s worth the time and effort it takes. 

You might find by answering some of the below questions, that you are struggling in some areas and need improvement on some current thought patterns. On the other hand, you may realize you’re doing a lot better than you might think!

Try some of the prompts below and consider your responses. These would be great to complete as part of your morning routine while eating breakfast/drinking coffee, taking a walk, or maybe doing some other form of self-care when you’re able to really focus and reflect.

Mindset is one thing that no one else can change for you. YOU have to do the work daily. You’re with your own thoughts all day every day, so why not put in the effort to maintain a healthy mindset?! 

Example Journal Prompts to Start With:

  • What are your goals and desires in life right now? Do you feel confident that you can reach them?
  • What do you think is holding you back most from achieving your current goals?
  • List 3 things you are thankful for in your life right now and 3 things you love about yourself.
  • What is your ideal day? 
  • What current challenges are you facing right now on a daily basis? Do you feel like you have the support you need to be able to handle these well? How could you create more support (talk to a friend/family member, say NO to something, or take something else off your plate, dedicate more time to self-care, etc…)
  • When are you happiest? Think about the people you are with, things you’re doing, the places, smells/sounds, the feelings.
  • Do you often speak negatively about yourself (either to others, or to yourself)? If yes, how can you work to switch this negative self-talk into something more positive? 
  • What’s something you’re proud of?
  • Are you actively pursuing your goals and dreams? If not, why? What’s one thing you can do today to get you just one step closer to reaching these?
  • How frequently do you say yes to doing something when you would rather say no? Why do you think that is, and what would happen if you did say no?
  • Are you happy with your current lifestyle? Why or why not? What would you change?
  • Do you have healthy relationships in your life and people you can lean on for support?
  • Ask a close friend or family member what your best qualities are, and what areas they think you could improve on. Be ready for honest, open feedback. This is a great way to learn about yourself and grow, but it might not be easy to hear. Be sure the person you ask is someone you would want critique and advice from.
  • What are your limiting beliefs? For example: I’m not good with budgeting and money, or I’ll never be satisfied with the way I look, or I can’t achieve that dream because of ‘XYZ.’ These are often ideas or limits engrained in us from an early age by others close to us. What have you or others said about yourself that you have started to believe as fact, when in reality, you can change and overcome that?

What to do if some of your responses aren’t what you want:

Like I said before, working on your mindset isn’t always easy. It might be a little painful even to think about some of these questions. If you aren’t happy in life, it’s not exactly a fun task to sit with your thoughts.

So, what can you do to start working toward a more positive outlook or create the mindset you want?

While I can’t say these tips will work for everyone, or each situation, they should be helpful for a great place to start:

  • Begin by taking action! It can be as small as getting up 30 minutes earlier to begin working on your goals, getting a workout in, or just taking time for self-care before starting your day. Focus on just one small thing you can do each day to begin improving your mindset and lifestyle.
  • Talk to someone about why you aren’t happy! We all need healthy relationships, and someone to talk to. If you haven’t shared your struggles with a close friend, family member, or therapist, I’d recommend you start! We can’t expect to go through everything alone. Humans are meant to have interaction with each other, and we thrive off it. You are never weak for needing support.
  • Set some goals! People who set goals and write them down are much more likely to achieve them. Take some time to think about goals you could set for yourself that will help you get closer to the life you want to be living. They don’t need to be giant ones! Start with small goals that are short-term and go from there.
  • Start reading self-development books or listening to podcasts. This is one of my favorite things to do. I love listening to a podcast about entrepreneurship/health/or mindset while going for a walk, or even doing daily tasks like laundry and dishes. It fills your mind with something healthy and productive and is so helpful for switching your perspective.
  • Try journaling about what you’re grateful for. This simple task can take you from a negative mindset into a positive one in just a few minutes. The reality is, that even if you aren’t where you want to be in life, you have SO SO much to be grateful for. Taking time to think about that and appreciate all that you do have, and all that you currently are, can really improve your perspective on life.

A little Tough Love:

Ultimately, life is very much about our perspective, our thought patterns and how we react to what happens to us. While we cannot always change our circumstances or the outcome, we can focus on our reactions and responses to those situations. Having a positive outlook on life, a healthy relationship with yourself, and a clear mind on what you want in life can make this much easier.

Whether it be fitness or career related, don’t shortchange yourself by taking the easy route and avoiding resistance. Take the time to work on your mindset, thought patterns and outlook on a daily or weekly basis and I promise you will see big improvements!