Easy, Delicious Chocolate Banana Protein Muffins

Happy Sunday! Hope you’re having a relaxing day and getting prepped for the week ahead. I’m spending today meal prepping a few of my favorite quick recipes and wanted to share these delicious chocolate banana protein muffins! This recipe is…

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coffee, morning, routine

Simple Morning Routine You Can Stick To!

Do you have a morning routine? I’ll admit, it’s something I’m working on being better about lately. The pandemic kinda threw all routine out the window, to be honest, and I’m sure you may be feeling the same way. But…

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dumbbells, weights, weight lifting

Are You Eating and Training Right For Your Goals?

With so many diets, training styles, fitness influencers, etc. out there, it can sometimes seem confusing to know what approach to take in order to reach your fitness and nutrition goals. Personally, I prefer a simple approach and I’m hoping…

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